yellow, and pink (heavily disguised as yellow)

saturday was yellow….

i spent a lovely day with the princess of the yellow, as seen below in all her yellow, princessy glory.


we’d planned a day of collography and muckiness but on the day, both felt like the meditation of stitch so, perched at the dining table we whiled away the hours, all 5 or 6 of them, engrossed in stitchery, surrounded by girls, aslan and prince caspian, loud prince caspian!  sigh.

my collection of yellow.  a mixture of eucalypt dyed and grandmas left overs.

my collection of yellow. a mixture of eucalypt dyed and grandmas left overs.

here’s what took me the whole 5 hours at mandy’s and then a further 3 at home on saturday evening….



sunday was pink.  i must admit that yellow had me a bit transfixed and i found myself wanting to work further on “sunflower”.  i’ve been wanting to do some quilty kind of stuff and had an image forming in my head, inspired by jude at spiritcloth.

the concept of weaving keeps appearing around me.  since first discovering this thing called art i have dreamt of a family inspired tapestry weaving.  it was not until months into my journey into art that i discovered a very strong and interesting family history involving weaving and so i guess it is in my blood.  yesterday, i flung pink out the window, embraced yellow again and set to work on a piece that, for the moment in still in progress.  it’s a start on something for the art extension group with pamela.  its slow and meditative, good for me to slip into after a hectic day at work. and i’m incorporating some woven denim which i hope to discharge print and heavily embroider.


why is it that photos never look the same as the real thing?


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3 Responses to yellow, and pink (heavily disguised as yellow)

  1. OZKI says:

    Hi there miss Sammy, I hope you get this message, this is kiwi Cathy!! OZKI is my new arty name, oh!la!la! short for ozziekiwi. Loved seeing your latest work Sam, you inspire me heaps, love the scrap of metal off the road. I am having trouble trying to work out how to use the wordpress and to change the colour schemes?? I suppose one day I will tap into the right place. I have just been stitching my embroidery from Thursday, just loving it! Catch ya sometime, I have you under my links,check out Mangawahi Arts, that is where my sister has her scultupre art, her name is Joy Agar, she is so talented. Spot ya later, better feed the fat cat!!!! Just love him!!!!

  2. enchantedcurious says:

    Noice photo. Thanks for that…..
    In stark contrast however is the exquisite beauty of the flowery stitchy number. More of that i say….
    and long live ASLAN the great. Hoorah.

  3. Jacky says:

    Fun day for you and Mandy… I’m envious, would have loved to sit and stitch with you girls…sometime soon we will get organised!
    Your sunflower is beautiful and I love the woven strips of denim. I have been playing around with the weaving of strips after being inspired by Judes blog recently. Will share it with you soon.
    Looking forward to seeing more of this piece Samm.

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